
This tutorial gives a good introduction to using Lucidity.

First make sure that you have Lucidity installed.


Lucidity uses patterns to represent a path structure. A pattern is very much like the format you would use in a Python string format expression.

For example, a pattern to represent this filepath:


Could be:


Each {name} in braces is a variable that can either be extracted from a matching path, or substituted with a provided value when constructing a path. The variable is referred to as a placeholder.


A Template is a simple container for a pattern.

First, import the package:

>>> import lucidity

Now, construct a template with the pattern above:

>>> template = lucidity.Template('model', '/jobs/{job}/assets/{asset_name}/model/{lod}/{asset_name}_{lod}_v{version}.{filetype}')


The template must be given a name to identify it. The name becomes useful when you have a bunch of templates to manage.


With a template defined we can now parse a path and extract data from it:

>>> path = '/jobs/monty/assets/circus/model/high/circus_high_v001.abc'
>>> data = template.parse(path)
>>> print data
    'job': 'monty',
    'asset_name': 'circus',
    'lod': 'high',
    'version': '001',
    'filetype': 'abc'


When a group name in a pattern occurs more than once (as with {asset_name} and {lod} above), the last matching value is used for the returned data.

If a template’s pattern does not match the path then parse() will raise a ParseError:

>>> print template.parse('/other/monty/assets')
ParseError: Input '/other/monty/assets' did not match template pattern.


By default, a pattern is anchored at the start, requiring that the start of a path match the pattern:

>>> job_template = lucidity.Template('job', '/job/{job}')
>>> print job_template.parse('/job/monty')
{'job': 'monty'}
>>> print job_template.parse('/job/monty/extra/path')
{'job': 'monty'}
>>> print job_template.parse('/other/job/monty')
ParseError: Input '/other/job/monty' did not match template pattern.

The anchoring can be changed when constructing a template by passing an anchor keyword in:

>>> filename_template = lucidity.Template(
...     'filename',
...     '{filename}.{index}.{ext}',
...     anchor=lucidity.Template.ANCHOR_END
... )
>>> print filename_template.parse('/some/path/to/file.0001.dpx')
{'filename': 'file', 'index': '0001', 'ext': 'dpx'}

The anchor can be one of:

  • ANCHOR_START - Match pattern at the start of the string.
  • ANCHOR_END - Match pattern at the end of the string.
  • ANCHOR_BOTH - Match pattern exactly.
  • None - Match pattern once anywhere in the string.


It is also possible to pass a dictionary of data to a template in order to produce a path:

>>> data = {
...     'job': 'monty',
...     'asset_name': 'circus',
...     'lod': 'high',
...     'version': '001',
...     'filetype': 'abc'
... }
>>> path = template.format(data)
>>> print path

In the example above, we haven’t done more than could be achieved with standard Python string formatting. In the next sections, though, you will see the need for a dedicated format() method.

If the supplied data does not contain enough information to fill the template completely a FormatError will be raised:

>>> print template.format({})
FormatError: Could not format data {} due to missing key 'job'.

Nested Data Structures

Often the data structure you want to use will be more complex than a single level dictionary. Therefore, Lucidity also supports nested dictionaries when both parsing or formatting a path.

To indicate a nested structure, use a dotted notation in your placeholder name:

>>> template = lucidity.Template('job', '/jobs/{job.code}')
>>> print template.parse('/jobs/monty')
{'job': {'code': 'monty'}}
>>> print template.format({'job': {'code': 'monty'}})


Unlike the standard Python format syntax, the dotted notation in Lucidity always refers to a nested item structure rather than attribute access.

Custom Regular Expressions

Lucidity works by constucting a regular expression from a pattern. It replaces all placeholders with a default regular expression that should suit most cases.

However, if you need to customise the regular expression you can do so either at a template level or per placeholder.

At The Template Level

To modify the default regular expression for a template, pass it is as an additional argument:

>>> template = lucidity.Template('name', 'pattern',

Per Placeholder

To alter the expression for a single placeholder, use a colon : after the placeholder name and follow with your custom expression:

>>> template = lucidity.Template('name', 'file_v{version:\d+}.ext')

Above, the version placeholder expression has been customised to only match one or more digits.


If your custom expression requires the use of braces ({}) you must escape them to distinguish them from the placeholder braces. Use a preceding backslash for the escape (\{, \}).

And of course, any custom expression text is omitted when formatting data:

>>> print template.format({'version': '001'})