Source code for lucidity

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 Martin Pengelly-Phillips
# :license: See LICENSE.txt.

import os
import uuid
import imp

from ._version import __version__
from .template import Template
from .error import ParseError, FormatError

[docs]def discover_templates(paths=None, recursive=True): '''Search *paths* for mount points and load templates from them. *paths* should be a list of filesystem paths to search for mount points. If not specified will try to use value from environment variable :envvar:`LUCIDITY_TEMPLATE_PATH`. A mount point is a Python file that defines a 'register' function. The function should return a list of instantiated :py:class:`~lucidity.template.Template` objects. If *recursive* is True (the default) then all directories under a path will also be searched. ''' templates = [] if paths is None: paths = os.environ.get('LUCIDITY_TEMPLATE_PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) for path in paths: for base, directories, filenames in os.walk(path): for filename in filenames: _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if extension != '.py': continue module_path = os.path.join(base, filename) module_name = uuid.uuid4().hex module = imp.load_source(module_name, module_path) try: registered = module.register() except AttributeError: pass else: if registered: templates.extend(registered) if not recursive: del directories[:] return templates
[docs]def parse(path, templates): '''Parse *path* against *templates*. *path* should be a string to parse. *templates* should be a list of :py:class:`~lucidity.template.Template` instances in the order that they should be tried. Return ``(data, template)`` from first successful parse. Raise :py:class:`~lucidity.error.ParseError` if *path* is not parseable by any of the supplied *templates*. ''' for template in templates: try: data = template.parse(path) except ParseError: continue else: return (data, template) raise ParseError( 'Path {0!r} did not match any of the supplied template patterns.' .format(path) )
[docs]def format(data, templates): # @ReservedAssignment '''Format *data* using *templates*. *data* should be a dictionary of data to format into a path. *templates* should be a list of :py:class:`~lucidity.template.Template` instances in the order that they should be tried. Return ``(path, template)`` from first successful format. Raise :py:class:`~lucidity.error.FormatError` if *data* is not formattable by any of the supplied *templates*. ''' for template in templates: try: path = template.format(data) except FormatError: continue else: return (path, template) raise FormatError( 'Data {0!r} was not formattable by any of the supplied templates.' .format(data) )